
My follow friends… 
          	I have started a new book called La Bella Luna. Please feel free to take a peek and let me know what you think. I have like a introduction and the first chapter up.
          	Please keep in mind that if you skip over the intro, there’s information there concerning Taming Brent. If you indeed skipped the intro I just want to assure you that I have not given up on Brent’s story. With that being said, I am making plans on making it more of a novella. Clay and Claire’s story is my love and I adore Brent but Ive been through so much during their stories that I’ve lost faith in myself to produce a good book so I’m limiting myself on Brent’s story so I don’t get burned out. 
          	Anyways, I hope your all having a great morning, noon or night, wherever you’re at.


My follow friends… 
          I have started a new book called La Bella Luna. Please feel free to take a peek and let me know what you think. I have like a introduction and the first chapter up.
          Please keep in mind that if you skip over the intro, there’s information there concerning Taming Brent. If you indeed skipped the intro I just want to assure you that I have not given up on Brent’s story. With that being said, I am making plans on making it more of a novella. Clay and Claire’s story is my love and I adore Brent but Ive been through so much during their stories that I’ve lost faith in myself to produce a good book so I’m limiting myself on Brent’s story so I don’t get burned out. 
          Anyways, I hope your all having a great morning, noon or night, wherever you’re at.


It’s been a minute but a new chapter for Taming Brent has been uploaded!!!! I know, I apologize. I’ve been struggling with it and for some reason tonight I opened it up and started writing. Hope you all enjoy


@BeetleBugMomma I enjoyed it. Please keep it coming. Hope you are doing well 


So… I know it’s been awhile since you all have heard from me so I wanted to send an update. I haven’t completely given up on Brent’s story but I’ve momentarily lost focus on his. There has been several stories started and I’ve not attempted to publish anything because I feel like my writing is not up to par… it’s just mediocre at best.
          With that said, there is a story I’m going to post soon. I’m 12 chapters in right now and not sure how much further I’m actually going to go with it. I don’t want it to have a sequel so I’m trying to think best how to go about the ending. 
          The book is called A Summer Romance. I’m not sure if i’ll start posting yet or just do a mass post when I finish it. Be on the lookout for it..
          PS…. For those of you who are waiting for Brent’s story to be continued, please hang with me. Because Hearts Afar and A Love Worth Fighting For we’re so near and dear to me, I want to serve Brent justice. He’s not gone yet.


It’s been awhile, my friends. 
          I had the urge to get a new chapter written to Taming Brent so I hope you enjoy it. It’s an early Christmas present because I probably won’t upload another chapter before than. I’ve honestly been struggling to write his story. I feel like I’ve been writing about them for so long that even though I absolutely adore the characters, it’s time to finish their stories and move on. 
          With that said, in my head, Brent’s story is not going to be as long as Clay and Claire’s. Who’s to say that I won’t change my mind. It’s possible. You never know. 
          But anyway, hope you all enjoy ❤️❤️❤️


My friends… I have started writing again but with that come a very big HOWEVER….For those of you who have been with me for years might remember the story Breaking Away. The stars of that story were Abigail, Travis and Rodney. The story has since been unpublished because I wasn’t happy with it. I have started writing a second story to that and thinking about starting to edit some things on the original story and maybe start uploading those again. 
          Brent fans…. I’m still at a standstill concerning his story. I’m still having issues getting his story going as but I haven’t given it up. 
          I don’t know if I’ll ever start uploading Breaking Away agin or if I’ll ever upload the new story from that but it’s a way of helping me deal with everything even if it’s for my eyes only.


I’m going to be candid with you all. I honestly don’t know how many of you actually will end up reading this but in case you do, I want to explain something. Losing my mom was quite possibly the hardest thing I’ve gone through. Less than 8 months later, 2 weeks ago, I lost another very important member of my family. I’m struggling really bad with writing. I’m struggling mentally because I feel like my world is falling apart. I feel like I’m drowning. I can’t write. And it bothers me because the most recent loss, was one of my biggest supporters so in a way, I feel like I’m letting her down. Please understand that I don’t want to give writing up but it’s a struggle right now. I want to come back and I’m praying that I’ll get the writing bug again but right now, I need to focus on my well being and mental health. Please keep an eye out for me and if you’re the praying kind, I could sure use some prayers.


Praying for you!! And yes take care of you first!


Hey guys,
          I’ve decided to pick back up To Fall In Love Again… again . I posted a new chapter if you want to check it out. You might need to refresh your reading because it has been a couple of months. 
          For those waiting for a chapter in Taming Brent, I am working on it. Some things has to be rewritten before I post but stress not, I’ll let you know when it’s up.


Hi, really like the storyline of "To fall in love again", are you going to continue update with the story, I know last update have been a while


Awww… thank you so much for liking it. I am going to continue it. I was focused on another story for awhile but will start working on it again. I actually had a chapter ready to go and will be posted soon.