
w.would you guys be mad at me if i published another story instead of focusing on the ones i already have. im gonna do it anyway but i like giving you the illusion of choice /j


This is for you Read till the end! I sent an Angel to watch over you last night, but it came back and asked “why” The Angel said, “angels don’t watch over angels!” 20 angels are in your world. Ten are sleeping. Nine of them are playing, and one is reading this message. The universe sees you struggling with some things and says it’s over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in karma send this to 14 friends, including me, if I don’t get it back I guess I’m not one of them. As soon as you get 5 replies, someone you love with quietly surprise you… not joking. Pass this message on, please don’t ignore it. You are being tested and karma is going to fix two big things tonight in your favor. If you believe in karma drop everything and pass it on. TOMORROW WILL HE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. DON'T BREAK THIS. SEND TO 14 FRIENDS IN TEN MINUTES IT'S NOT THAT HARD. WHOEVER SENT YOU THIS MUST CARE ABOUT YOU!


Forgive me for hitting the announce button, but holy hell, CC hit 5,000 reads recently. I'm so beyond speechless I think I'm about to break some sort of record... but also, you guys are beginning to scare me a little-!
          Also I normally wouldn't do this but shoutout to wattpad user Lamborgini20 for utterly showering me with affection, I logged on to see like 50 notifications & they all made me so dang happy .w.


@BeetletheSilkWing1 Aww, no problem! :) I am happy to have made you excited! This was honestly how I felt a couple of days ago when four people followed me in one day, when before that it was zip for the longest time. XD I really do love your stories, especially Hiding in the Blue. That was the one that inspired me to make Error 404. btw, do you listen to The Fat Rat?


Hey y'all! You might be wondering why nothing is updating- the reason for this is I'm actually making an attempt to break the Procrastination World Record :] new WoF fic soon maybe tho


ALSO i just checked and CC has 4K reads and 200 votes I- this was not supposed to happen-


Oh btw, if you ever see me republish/edit a chapter, its cuz im a perfectionist who can't stick to the proper formatting - i most likely haven't rewritten anything and you don't have to reread it :3