
Imagine finding a streamer who is a crewfu fan


I'm gonna work on my Steven Suptic and Crewfu oneshot books. I have a very long list of prompts that I can use. I have each prompt numbered and I have a wheel that will give me a number for which prompt I will use that way I'll be given a random prompt to use and I won't repeat prompts until everything I have is gone. Tell me your thoughts on this.


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I'm so tired of people coming into my life and then fucking leaving. They promise to stay, the promise to not do what the last person did. Then they do what they promised not to do. They break me again. I try my hardest to be the friend everyone wants but it is never enough. I'm never enough for them. Maybe that is not on me, but it is so fucking hard to not take it personally when I am put on the blame, when I am the one who is attacked by the lies they spew. Honestly, it hurts worse when they can't even tell you themselves that they are done with you. So at this point. I'm done. I won't cry over this. I can't afford to shed tears on something like this when I have other shit going on in my life.