
Okay so to the people who read this and are reading Connections, I have no Upload schedule and no idea when I can write. Updates will be random. Now when I edit something I may change a few things. Not saying you'll need to re-read the whole book but a thing may be mention that your not sure of. Please just comment and I'll clarify, I swear I don't bite and I never mean to sound rude. Also can you guys comment on this things you want me to put as a trigger warning, like panic attacks, violence, stuff like that. I want my book to be a safe place for people but also educate others on what mental illness is like for those suffering from it and knowing what triggers need to be listed will help me. Thank you for reading this!


@Yandere-chick that’s ok! Lots of love!❣️☁️


Okay so to the people who read this and are reading Connections, I have no Upload schedule and no idea when I can write. Updates will be random. Now when I edit something I may change a few things. Not saying you'll need to re-read the whole book but a thing may be mention that your not sure of. Please just comment and I'll clarify, I swear I don't bite and I never mean to sound rude. Also can you guys comment on this things you want me to put as a trigger warning, like panic attacks, violence, stuff like that. I want my book to be a safe place for people but also educate others on what mental illness is like for those suffering from it and knowing what triggers need to be listed will help me. Thank you for reading this!


@Yandere-chick that’s ok! Lots of love!❣️☁️


I am having such a hard time updating my Leon x Child reader. At the same time I want to update my Melony x Child reader and start a Milo and or Raihan x child reader.... WHAT DO I DO!


@Yandere-chick  also because you have slit of ideas with different characters it’s easier then creating a whole book for that character 


@Jazzy_CindyCaligirls yeah the could work if I could write without hating everything I write. I swear this is writer's block on steroids 


Maybe you should make a one shot book that is the characters x child reader. So you can write about any character.


Ok here some random stuff 
          Leon: sonia what does the robot say about victor's power level 
          Sonia: IT'S OVER 90000 
          Leon: WHAT 9000
          Victor: what the crap are you two doing 


@Yandere-chick yeah 
            Random fun fact 
            I believe that hop and leon are cynthia's grandchildren 


What kind of last name would Leon have, like nationality wise? Would it be Scottish, British, or something else entirely?


@Yandere-chick yeah totally! I can see that as their last name


@SurvivingWithDaryl so would something like Eldridge work for Leon and Hop. I trying to choose a last for my story 


@Yandere-chick I believe British, since the game was based off the UK 


Ever read a comment on your book and started laughing more than when you actually wrote the chapter.


@Yandere-chick oh I already read that it hilarious


@tsnami2488 Comment on Leon X Child! Reader.
            "Leon going into Y/n's room: hey there demon it's me.    Ya boi"


            Please tell me where to find this comment so I may laugh.


Working on an original story but I'm not sure if I should post it. If you guys can read the first couple of paragraphs and tell me if it's good or not that be great.
           "   Candy hopped around the locker room bouncing from foot to foot. Small little sparks bounce out from under her feet and the soles of her boots started to burn a bit. Candy pulled at her soft pink hair and twisted and tied it into to two buns on her head.
              Candy's uniform started to burn a bit. The fabric melted onto Candy's skin, setting a tight seal to hold the shirt in place. "Warm ups done." She muttered to herself before walking out to the arena.
          Her opponent was already standing in the center of the field. They impatiently tapped their foot and glared at the ground. A cold ice like aura flowed from them in heavy waves. Their breathe puffed out into small clouds. Complete control.
          Candy's heart raced as the scientists above head explained the rules. They were quite simple really. "Only Mana attacks. You may use whatever tricks you've developed but they must be made only with Mana." "
          -WIP story


Quick question: if you were to give Hop an age, what would it be? 10 is when you start the pokemon adventure (according to my rusty memory of the first season of Pokemon with Ash) but I feel like Hop is a bit older than 10. What do you say?


@Yandere-chick thanks!(≧▽≦) It's for my book Milo x reader! 


@SurvivingWithDaryl I put him around 12 or 14 mostly because Hop is a bit more dorky in how he acts. It just feels like he's in those awkward pre-teen years.