
Guys.... I have a problem.
          	So I got this girl, right? She's great, but all my homies are dissing her. She hasn't done anything bad to them. They're always fronting... and I just- I don't know. We didn't do anything to them, yet they're so violent.
          	I like to console myself because she knows I'm hers and I know she's mine, but....
          	The other day we had a laugh- you see, we were in a mirror room and we looked in one. She told me I looked like Buddy Holly!! I told her she's Mary Tyler Moore.
          	As you can tell from that story, we're destined to be together. So I don't really care what other people say about us... But it's just hard to hear, ya know?
          	/ref /j


Guys.... I have a problem.
          So I got this girl, right? She's great, but all my homies are dissing her. She hasn't done anything bad to them. They're always fronting... and I just- I don't know. We didn't do anything to them, yet they're so violent.
          I like to console myself because she knows I'm hers and I know she's mine, but....
          The other day we had a laugh- you see, we were in a mirror room and we looked in one. She told me I looked like Buddy Holly!! I told her she's Mary Tyler Moore.
          As you can tell from that story, we're destined to be together. So I don't really care what other people say about us... But it's just hard to hear, ya know?
          /ref /j


Hello! Hope you're having a great day!
          If you're already following me:
          You've probably already noticed that I've revamped this account. If you want to find the account where I'm active, good luck; you're going to need it.
          If you're new:
          Hi!! I know you don't know me very well since you've just come, but I hope you like my book! I might edit it in the future, but for now I wish you all happy reading!