I apologize for not updating my story recently, as many things have come up that were unexpected. There was some family issues, there was some people at the school I attend that were making poor choices, and I certainly needed a break.
But at the moment I'm trying to get more of a plot idea for The Life Of Casper, Oliver, And Kirigan so I can avoid plot holes. And to be honest, when I started that story I didn't have much idea for what I wanted to do with it. And now I have some more story ideas that I want to go through.
But I want to figure out how I want to go through with it. So I'll likely unpublish The Life Of Casper, Oliver, And Kirigan for a little bit. but I won't do that until I've redone the first few chapters and started to revamp some of the others.
And everybody should probably expect another story being published sometime soon, and I'm certainly excited to do so.
I Hope Everybody Has The Day They Deserve <3