
To all, I have more mature books for the ones that have been taken down by the drastic changes in Wattpad regulations, if you would like to get access to a certain story or have a request for writing you would like done privately I am more than happy to oblige, just give me all details you would want. I am willing to write almost anything so don't be afraid to ask!


To all, I have more mature books for the ones that have been taken down by the drastic changes in Wattpad regulations, if you would like to get access to a certain story or have a request for writing you would like done privately I am more than happy to oblige, just give me all details you would want. I am willing to write almost anything so don't be afraid to ask!


Hi good night l just want to know when are you updated your story. 


@JallisaHolder just posted the first three chapters of my new story, warning it does have some more mature themes and since of those things may make people uncomfortable, be sure to read the summary, warnings, and tags


@JallisaHolder working on it I had a little writers block, the book is moving a bit too fast paced in this chapter I'm on so I need to rewrite it, I'm coming out with another twilight book though that I think is much better so far