Hey bekah, friendly message from a concerned follower, are you doing okay? Haven’t seen you active on social media for quite a while and that’s concerning, please drop in a update so I can breathe normally
Reading List
AUTHOR UPDATE I am now halfway through reading Do You Know Indigo and taking extensive notes for my rewrite as I go. I want to take this moment to thank all the readers who have loved my characters in their current form - you have more patience for them than I do as an adult! At this point I estimate that it is going to take me a month or so to read through the entire series but the further I go into Chris and Kieran's story the more I see the potential in what it could be and recognise I care about this story to put in the graft no matter how painful or number of times I cringe. I do believe the edits I want to make will be worthwhile and give the characters you already care about more depth and their story more meaning. There are moments and events I am not proud of in these books and I am relishing the opportunity to correct and better them. Thank you for your patience in waiting for more and better. In the meantime, look out for the next chapter of Maggie Fletcher and the Art of the Imaginary on the 20th of August and more updates about how I'm getting on as I continue reading through The Colours of Us series. I hope you are safe and well in the continuing craziness of 2020. Bekah
Carefully reread the whole series and I AM OBSESSED w your characters, this 2 year hiatus is saddening, where are you
Hey bekah, friendly message from a concerned follower, are you doing okay? Haven’t seen you active on social media for quite a while and that’s concerning, please drop in a update so I can breathe normally
AUTHOR UPDATE I am now halfway through reading Do You Know Indigo and taking extensive notes for my rewrite as I go. I want to take this moment to thank all the readers who have loved my characters in their current form - you have more patience for them than I do as an adult! At this point I estimate that it is going to take me a month or so to read through the entire series but the further I go into Chris and Kieran's story the more I see the potential in what it could be and recognise I care about this story to put in the graft no matter how painful or number of times I cringe. I do believe the edits I want to make will be worthwhile and give the characters you already care about more depth and their story more meaning. There are moments and events I am not proud of in these books and I am relishing the opportunity to correct and better them. Thank you for your patience in waiting for more and better. In the meantime, look out for the next chapter of Maggie Fletcher and the Art of the Imaginary on the 20th of August and more updates about how I'm getting on as I continue reading through The Colours of Us series. I hope you are safe and well in the continuing craziness of 2020. Bekah
Carefully reread the whole series and I AM OBSESSED w your characters, this 2 year hiatus is saddening, where are you
Do You Know Indigo? is proving to be more of a challenge to rewrite than I first imagined. It is unfortunately not just a case of embellishing, rephrasing and correcting. There is so much that does not work, is unthought out and immature and I have become so unacquainted with the characters that trying to rewrite them feels disingenuous. So I am currently rereading all four books to try to get to know this cast of characters and find the massively problematic issues so I can write them out chronologically. It is a lot of work but I hope it's worthwhile. I hope the edited chapters you have so far are testament to that. Please don't think I've given up yet because there are no new updates! In the meantime, I have posted Chapter Three of Maggie Fletcher and the Art of the Imaginary which I would love any and all feedback on. I hope you are all continuing to stay safe, sane and well. Bekah
@SuperSuspicious I mean there are genuinely moments where I regret having started the process but I'm hoping it will be worth it and I hope you have every success with your edits. Will have to check it out!
@she-blooms Thank you so much, comments like this are so kind and encouraging and it is so appreciated.
@BekahEva I’m rewriting my one novel too and I definitely know what you mean. I thought it would go quicker but it’s going slower.
First, I want to say that I hope everyone is safe and well in these strange times we are in. I know I currently spend much of my days wondering who I am and what is going to happen next in our neighbourhood of planet Earth. There is such positive change afoot in the Black Lives Matter movement, change I believe is necessary beyond just yesterday, today and tomorrow. I have spent a lot of my free time this week trying to educate myself into knowing better and being better. I will never understand but I stand with those who are victimised because of their race, sexuality, gender, religion...the list is endless but all are welcome and loved here. If you need someone to listen, I am here to listen. I also want to reach out to those affected emotionally, mentally or physically by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic; your voice and need to be heard is so important and I'm here for that. I don't just want to tell stories on this platform but be here for yours. I am here to listen. It's been a difficult few weeks but nonetheless I've updated both Do You Know Indigo? (Chapter 6) and Maggie Fletcher and the Art of the Imaginary (Chapter 2). If you need new worlds to escape into, that's what they are there for (I know that's what I do when I write them!). If you want a community to share in, that's what I'm hoping to create so please feel free to reach out. Stay safe, stay strong and stay loving. Much love, Bekah x
Black lives matter. I stand with you. I will not be silent.
Dear Indigo-gos, Apologies for the late and singular update this week but Chapter 5 of Do You Know Indigo is now up. I am currently having to do a lot of online training for my job which is eating into my editing time. However, once that is done, hopefully my editing patterns will resume as normal. Hold tight. For all those Indigo-gos who have read book one and two and are waiting for an update on book three please put June 1st into your diaries. I hope you are all managing to stay sane, sane and well. Much love, Bekah x
@BekahEva I'll definitely finish it as I was so young I don't quite remember where I left off. I meant it when I said these books are some of my favorites, ever.
@she-blooms I genuinely had to double check I had posted the whole of book 2 because I wasn't sure I had posted it myself - but I have!! Book 2, much like book 1 is in need of a massive edit and overhaul but will remain published as it is if you wanted to read it! Thank you so much for the love, it is much appreciated. Bekah x
@BekahEva I had no idea you finished book two! This is such a happy surprise❤️ I've left Wattpad for a while now, this is great
Happy Sunday. Chapter 3 & 4 updates of Do You Know Indigo? will be with you this evening. Just as a note, these edits are not changing the overall story but hopefully improving the writing and adding more dimension to the characters you already know. If you are reading along as I edit, please let me know what you think! I hope you are all keeping well, safe and sane in these peculiar times. Bekah x
Hello Everyone! Chapter One and Chapter Two of #DoYouKnowIndigo? have been edited and re-uploaded. Please let us know what you think. Happy Reading!
Hello World, I refuse to believe, after all this time, that there are still followers out there. If you are, I refuse to believe I deserve your loyalty but, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for it. I hope you are all well, safe and sane. We are living in a world of lockdown and learning what that means and what life will look like after. I know that my world has turned upside down and that's probably why I am here. I need to write and I want to be a part of a community and I think we have a good chance of building one here! Over ten years ago I began writing Do You Know Indigo? (The Colours of Us Series) and now feels like a good time to revisit that story and hopefully give you all the conclusion you deserve. There are two books still to come. I also have a new story (Maggie Fletcher & the Art of the Imaginary) that I'm working on that will bubble away in the background if you are interested in what I've been writing since I've been away. My plan is to post weekly re-edits of The Colours of Us starting at the very beginning and I would love for you to read along as the book hopefully gets a glow-up! Look out for this on Sundays! I also plan to add to Maggie Fletcher and the Art of the Imaginary once a month just to offer something new. I know I'm in need of some accountability, so I've brought my beautiful, strong and talented sister on board to keep me on track to deliver on my promises. She's also going to help me be a bit more active on social media. She's marvellous and truthfully, I would not be doing this without her. So here's the social media pages to check out if you want to connect with me! Twitter: bekaheva Instagram: bekahevaastles Book Social Media: Instagram: @thecoloursofusseries https://www.instagram.com/thecoloursofusseries/ Facebook: The Colours Of Us https://www.facebook.com/thecoloursofusseries I am more than ready to roll my sleeves up and get stuck in. It's been too long. Much love, Bekah
@anonymous_voice I'm only sorry it has taken me this long to get whipped into shape! Thank you for the love and saying hello. ❤
Hi there :) I was just wondering what happened to Humble - it was by far my favourite book on Wattpad; the imagery, character development, plot, and general writing style were absolutely outstanding. Did you take it down for some reason/are you planning to put it up again? I’ve been waiting patiently for months to see if it would reappear again so far but no such luck. Here’s to hoping!
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