IMPORTANT MESSAGE, PLEASE READ!! Hello lovely people :) So here is the thing, I just finished TINGLF a week ago, and I have been thinking for a while. My fanfictions have never been a real big hit, and I am really unsure if I should keep on writing them. I have another account that I am considering making my main and delete the two of the unfinished stories here. I don't really like the thought of just deleting them, but I don't want to spend a lot of time writing some stories only a few people are reading instead of using my time writing the stories people actually read. So this is going to happen now: 1. I am deleting "Melody of Some Other Beat" since I never really started writing it and what I have actually written is REALLY bad (just trust me on this!) 2. If I don't get a decent amount of comments saying they want me to continue "Pretend it's love" (about 5-10 people) I am deleting that one as well. 3. Everyone that have ordered a trailer will get a personal message from me when I get home (in a month) explaining a lot and other stuff you really deserve. 4. Moving "Maya's Masquerade" to my other account that will from now on be my main account (@NorwegianDandelion) I hope that none of you will hate me too much, and give me some feedback, either it is good or bad. Thank you, and love you all! - Rebekka