
My dear readers of Veil of Shadow, I apologize for me being unable to update the story. Through a combination of a busy week and minor writer's block, I haven't had the time to write, let alone post it on Wattpad. Hopefully, I can post it sometime next week, in a way of catching up. I also plan of updating the Shade-Who-Turned sometime next week too.


My dear readers of Veil of Shadow, I apologize for me being unable to update the story. Through a combination of a busy week and minor writer's block, I haven't had the time to write, let alone post it on Wattpad. Hopefully, I can post it sometime next week, in a way of catching up. I also plan of updating the Shade-Who-Turned sometime next week too.


Dear Followers and readers of Veil of Shadow, updates on the story will slow, perhaps to a stagnation. You see, I am working on a map of my continent, and cartography is definitely not one of my strong points. However, I am working hard on it, and hopefully it will be in working condition soon. So, I expect to miss updating the next few times, or probably the next month. In the meantime, please be patient and maybe go back through my story and indicate unclear words, phrases, etc. so I can include them in the compendium. Thank you all and have a wonderful year!


Dear followers, regarding my book Veil of Shadow, i have come to the conclusion that the title is inapt. I am rather making it the title of the book I'm writing now and its sequel. So, I'm in need of a subtitle for my "bilogy" (see what I did there? Instead of trilogy, bilogy, or maybe dulogy. I don't know; I'm making up words.) Anyways, if my readers would propose subtitles, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! 
          Oh, and before I forget, if I choose your title, I will discuss with you a way of integrating a character of your making. Details will be pending.