
Letting you all know that I'm switching to a different account! The user name is still Belaphant that's why my user name here changed.  Why are you still here?  Head on over there! 


My "Luigi's new 'Friends' 2" Book is coming out December 2017. I don't have an exact date for it yet but it will for sure be out by December! For all of you people who really liked the first book, you will for sure likes this second one! Keep an eye out for it!
          Like my books? Maybe consider following! It makes me happy to see new people liking my books! c:


Just wanted to let you all know that I haven't been updating lately because I've been working really hard on Luigi's New "Friends" book 2 Alot lately. I'm making the chapters longer and maybe more chapters than the other book. The first book I made got a lot of views and I was surprised how well it did! So for all of you who liked the first one, stay tuned for the second one! (Grammars better too btw lol)


Awesome i bet it will get alot of views!


@MaliaDreamer I'm so glad you like my book! It will come out sometime in December. I hope that you can wait a little longer! I also hope that the wait will be worth it. Thanks for your support. Means a lot C:


@Belaphant how much longer im freaking out rn its like my fav book rn!


Hey guys! I just wanted to say that i am very proud! I just finished my book, "Luigi's New 'Friends'" It took me a while and I am so very excited! I couldn't keep my courage and not give up if it weren't for these great writers!
          @Pika_Cookie_YT @Breadedd and @TheLaddi
          Go check out these amaizing writers and Pikacookie on YouTube and Laddi on Youtube! Thank you! Till next time, Bye Frens! -Belaphant