
Okay so, I'm going to be releasing a new original book on Wattpad. Updates will probably take for-freaking-ever, because I'm writing this from scratch. Constructive criticism is always appreciated!
          	Catch ya later!


@canadian_N8  I mean it's not a fanfiction.


Hey! I'm back from the depths of the Internet and life and I have a new 'story' for you! It's more of an inner reflection of myself/rant book, so if you'd be interested in reading it, please take a look! Lost Treasure and Ardien Thalionúmë are still on hiatus though, it seems as though I've lost the passion to write them... C'mon Brain! Get inspired already!


I am creating my first fanfiction for the RWBY fandom! It has yet to be titled and I am still working on concepts and it may possibly suck horribly, but that's the fun in it! Right...? No? Ok. My estimate is that it will be out some time in August. Maybe earlier, maybe later. Who knows!