Listen up, Wattpaders! is using ALL of our stories for THEIR site. Illegally. Don't believe me? Search up your Wattpad username. You should see your stories there. If you put "all rights reserved" for the stuff, then they're not allowed to take your story and put it in their website. If the owner of the site did not contact you and you didn't allow anyone to take your story and let it be published in another website, then what they're doing is illegal. Sure, you may be happy that your story's more popular and it's being spread around.
Well, guess what?
YOU CAN COPY AND PASTE ANYTHING IN THAT SITE. THAT'S RIGHT. ANYONE CAN COPY AND PASTE ALL OF YOUR HARD WORK AND MAKE IT THEIRS. I tried it (with one of my own stories), and unfortunately, Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V worked. If we don't shut this site down (or at least confront the owner of the site), then it's only gonna get worse.
Sign this to help stop teenfic.