
There are things that we don't want to happen, but we have to accept. Things we don't want to know ,but have to learn. People we can't live without , but have to let go .


People say if this universe can't come to existence without a creator  then how Allah (creator of this universe) came to existence . People don't notice that universe has a physical body . Everything in universe has mass and occupy space . We people being humans have limited knowledge . We don't know anything about physical  appearance of Allah . Maybe Allah doesn't posses a body like us or this universe . So  it is useless to know origin of Allah as we can never figure it out . 


Muslims should be aware of the loss of time while reading the Muslim romance or love stories . These type of stories are just deception . We should study books with knowledge . Please don't let  what you want replace what you need  . My request to all Muslims please stop writing romance and stories with inappropriate scenes just to gain more popularity . 


Never let your desires take over the real you . Keep doing Jihad (struggle).


@BelieverByHeart be kind to yourself , it's ok to make small mistakes , you have no idea how much bigger mistakes u r going to make in coming 2 years . 


Why america invaded Iraq ? If it was to stop Saddam's oppression then why it supported him before ? If america wouldn't have invaded Iraq , there would  be no ISIS (killing mainly Muslims in Iraq and Syria ) . If america wouldn't have invaded Afghanistan , there would be no Al Qaeda and Taliban (killing many Muslims in Afghanistan and Pakistan) . If USA hadn't invaded countries of North Africa , there wouldn't be any Boko haraam( killing a lot of Muslims in Nigeria , Libya) .If america invaded to give justice , why it didn't invade central Asia ?(obviously , there was no oil ). I don't support people killing innocents in name of killing terrorists like Russia is doing in Syria . War against unarmed and killing innocents is truly forbidden in Islam. But think ,  Iraqi , Syrian people are upset due to their losses and terrorists take advantage of that by brainwashing the person with false beliefs to kill .This is fault of Muslim leaders for not helping them and USA , Israel , Russia ,India  to support terrorism on one side and pretend to fight on other side . It's not religion which promotes terrorism but world powers (for their own benefits) and the agents of them  . We Muslims have to study Quran and Hadees in order to defeat the calamities of these terrorists . BTW , all terrorists groups which say they are Islamic are only 0.99% of all Muslim population , it's not religion which has made world a  dangerous place   but dirty politics .I'm a Muslim fundamentalist and I'm proud on that .


Assalamu alaikum one of our dear friend,  who had been joining us on our live chat session has converted to Islam recently This is the story of 70 year old former pastor's wife's  journey to Islam~



@TruthShallPrevail ma Sha Allah , keep going :)