
Hear ye, hear ye! "Ferryman" has been selected for a Kindle summer reading programme and is now MASSIVELY discounted to the bargain price of 99p for the ebook! This is only for the duration of the holidays. Please spread the word if you or any teenagers you know are looking to fill your time this summer. xxx


hey, im usually not a fan of when people write to the author about finishing a book because there are reasons why the author wasnt able to at the time. but i just have to say- your book the breeding program is one of the darn gost best books ive ever read. its exactly what ive been looking for, like exactly. i just couldnt believe my eyes when i found it. ive even been thinking of what happens after the last chapter because thats how good it is. I get if you wouldnt be able to finish it or are busy, but i would just like to encourage you to continue writing if you can to bring joy to other people or just let the readers know if its been discontinued so we can all be in peace knowing we shouldnt wait and bother the author lol. thats all i have to say. love your book sm


Hear ye, hear ye! "Ferryman" has been selected for a Kindle summer reading programme and is now MASSIVELY discounted to the bargain price of 99p for the ebook! This is only for the duration of the holidays. Please spread the word if you or any teenagers you know are looking to fill your time this summer. xxx


Heh heh, you're welcome. It's the only thing I've ever read on here that really gets to me! The only thing I have to ask is why don't you mark "finished" on your stories after they're finished? I suppose it doesn't matter really, but it'd clear up a lot of confusion ^^