
Hey guys I’m just wondering if any of ye know what happened to the book Family once again or who the author is as I’m looking for the book cause I was waiting for the update and it seems it has disappeared I have a photo of the cover if you need to see it thanks!!


Hey wondering if you are going to be continue the mafia doctor story as it's really good


@Bella200607 hey I seen that you reached over a hundred votes on your last chapter, just wondering when or if your going to continue with the mafia innocent doctor 


I am ya I’m waiting to reach a hundred votes on the recent chapter before posting anymore!


Hey guys I’m just wondering if any of ye know what happened to the book Family once again or who the author is as I’m looking for the book cause I was waiting for the update and it seems it has disappeared I have a photo of the cover if you need to see it thanks!!


Hey guys I just updated mafias innocent doctor sorry for the delay I’m so slow at updating but im busy between school,exams and working.But im just wondering will i stop updating mafias innocent doctor and try get a few chapters of Bikers lady updated please let me know and thanks for all the support xx


Thankyou so much for reading 


@Bella00771122 I was so pleased to see a new chapter!