
Hii! Thank you so much for following me! I really appreciate it. :)


@Cup_is_a_cake Sure! I'll give you some now.
            1. Grab an inspiration. What has inspired your work?
            2. Read other stories full of plot. If these stories have good plot, make it your own. Take ideas, make it interesting!
            3. Start writing! You don't to be necessarily good at it, you just need passion and determination. If you enjoy writing, this'll be easy for you!
            5. Read and check over it. Make sure that all mistakes are fixed. But, I'd say that this is optional. I honestly don't think you really REALLY need to do this. 
            So, yeah. Those are my writing tips for now. I don't have many, but they do all work. (I think).


            It's no problem! Your stories are awesome and I wish my stories were just as amazing, but I'm not that good. If you don't mind, could you give me some tips sometime? Thanks!