
Reading iris Potter has finally been updated!


So the plan was to continue writing on my books...which I have done a little...however, @Michellemindys request, she has given me a challenge, one that shall prove very interesting and entertaining. I will be writing her iris Potter books in a different characters POV. She has also tasked me with another task concerning the book, but I will leave that as a surprise for now. First few chapters should be up by the end the third week of June. I cannot get it posted before then as I am currently juggling xourt and work back to back rn. But I have already got an outline and the character as to whom I am going to use for the pov. I believe it to be a challenge I needed to break this writer funk I've fallen into lately, however, please keep in mind, that the two of use have very different writing styles and some of the characters in the iris book I have a better grasp on than others.  She will be co writing this with me and helping me out in areas of the book. Thankfully I already know the story by heart lol. Looking forward to this! Looking forward to your reactions 


I didn't realize I had sooo many drafts...yeah I'm stopping here lol, I've posted quite a few. As you can probably tell, some of them aren't very good. Well, let me inform you that these were written through out the years not just recently. So here's a tour of my writing through out the years lol...see how I've progressed?


I'm tempted just to post all my drafts and see which ones has the most views and comments at the end of the week or month, depends on how bored i get. And which ever one does that will be the book I focus on. Let me know what ya think.
          There's a challenge which ever book gets the most popularity by the end of the month will be the one I focus on. I'll focus on up to three. And they will be picked by which gets the higher activity


I kinda want to write another yugioh reads the pharaoh's queen series...not sure how to go about it...but I know I want it to be in the modern Era...but before they meet Bella and Christine so it'd be before battle city..or around that time...what dobyall think? Or if yall want to you guys can write one and tag me in it? Need new reading material anyway...what are your thoughts on this?