
Getting geared to continue adding chapters till completed. Appreciate all feedback and looking forward to getting back to reading your works as well. Happy New Year to all!!! 


Hello all, I am back after a few months of chaos and moving into new home. Glad to see you have all been busy. Look forward to catching up and hope you are all doing well. Time to complete some of my WIPs and added a new one to celebrate my favorite holiday and season. Feedback always appreciated. Thank you and happy weekend!



Hello all, hope everyone is doing well and continuing to hone in on your craft. Had to go back and edit Chapter Twelve. Couldn’t see much, less write due to scratch in right eye. On day three of four of antibiotic eye drops and finally able to get back to writing, and reading. Looking forward to the latter. Stay well and safe. :)



It was great!


Wishing all a productive and positive weekend. Getting acquainted with a few fellow writers, and a little more accustomed to WP. Bear with me as I catch up to titles in Library, and do feel free to suggest others. Happy Saturday!