I have amazing news everyone, I finally have a computer so I can start writing a ton more! With that being said, "Stronger then I've Ever Been" is going to be going through a ton of editing. This also means I will not be updating it for now until I feel happy with everything. Though, that may upset some of you to hear I have some better news... I am starting another story. I've been writing it for like the past maybe six months and I've only completed a few chapters. My current writing style I am very content with it and the storyline for the new story is gonna be something very different. You may see updates from "Stronger then I've Ever Been" once in awhile when editing chapters and I would highly recommend that you guys re-read it when I have finished all edits since some things will be taken out or changed.
Thank you so much everyone for the constant support while I have been on my slight hiatus but, expect lots more updates in the next coming months. Don't be afraid to share opinions on things as well while we all go through this change.
I love you all!!! <3