
Shout out to my girlfriend and a proofreader to boost me to work on the Levi fic. I might of deleted half of the third chapter and rewrote it. But it’s all good. 


So. I’m saying “f” grammar and working in making the story flow better for the Katsuki reader. I will have proof readers read over every first though. But I have an idea for another story. And I will be working on it after I post the Katsuki fic. The first chapter. Then after I get the first chapter released of the new fic, then I will go back to the Levi one and then rotate it from there. Levi, Katsuki, New one. I’m not revealing anything of the new fic until it’s done and ready to be published. 


Hi. I’m not dead. I’m still working on the Katsuki x Reader fic. I’m currently just making it longer as I reread it and hated how short it was. The Levi x reader fic is still a thing and I will work on it eventually. I will never stop writing it without a reason. I’m hoping to have the Bakugou fic out before the end of the year. But of course, no promises are being made. I’m like- 6-9ths of the way done. One is finish writing. Second is grammar check everything. And last is to have my proof readers read it. The second step will take the longest. Unless I decide to say “f it” and not grammar check it which is looking tempting. 


I'm starting a new story, and it's going to be a Bakugou Katsuki x female reader. It's going to be a slow burn but at the same time not one. I don't know how to describe it without giving it away, but I hope you enjoy it. It's not going to be like the Levi story and it's going to get straight to the point in chapter one, but still also a slow burn. Makes sense, doesn't it? Lmao. I'm starting a new story because it gets things done quicker, but I also want to take time on the Levi story. I want the Levi story to be up to par with what I want while the Bakugou story is more carefree and keeps me wanting to write. I already have 1/3 of the story done so it'll probably be up soon. I'm not putting a date on it because I'm not rushing it <3


I don’t know if chapter three will be out in a month as I’ve barely gotten started on it and just don’t have the time to write, but I will try my best to get chapter three out in a month. I am a high school student and it’s coming the end of the year so I’m more focused on grades. Hope you all can understand <3


I haven’t had motivation to write chapter three Lmao, I started it and just haven’t continued it. I know where I want it to go too I just don’t have motivation or time. End of the school year is coming up for me, I’ll write soon. Hopefully- Chapter two will be posted April 15th though 


Chapter two of ~{A Different Life}~ Levi x (F)Reader is finished as has been proofread! But I won't post it until a month after I posted the first chapter as I want time to write chapter three and other chapters as well and just make sure I have all my ideas down. Considering this story will be a slow burn I know I will have burnouts for writing and not have ideas coming to me, so while in those times of burnouts I want to have chapters ready to post so I'm not just stress writing and throwing random things together just so I don't disappoint you guys. I hope you understand. I want to take my time on this and not guilt-trip myself into writing rushed work just to pump content out. Thank you for reading. ~Bellaca Michaelis <3


What. In. the. Fck. Knuckles. Is. This. Chapter two. That is the title of the second chapter!