
@MyFearlessSelf Anytime :D


Hello :) 
          I just noriced that you like the 100 so i wanted to ask you if you would like to check out my story? It's Bellarke fan fiction and it's called Dusk :) i understand if you don't want to or if you don't have time :)
          Thank you, Liz
          Ps-i totally love your story!!!! You're an amazing writter :)


Hi!!! I love your stories and your account is fab!! I'm glad to see you love Taylor as much as I do! On December 14th (A day after her birthday obviously but exciting!) I'm going to her RED concert and my friend and I are going to try and get into club red!! Have you been??
          Sorry to spam you but can you plz plz follow back and maybe check out my story 'Beautiful'? I love your stories once again, can't stop reading!! 
          Have a nice day xoxo