
If anyone gets the time, please check out my @SamTheTomboy account where I write one direction and 5sos fanfictions. I'm thinking of writing Janet Jackson fanfiction but it'll be on here belleskitchen. I also write ship stories, so please check out @fairytalealice 
          	thank you for your time. ❤️


This makes me mad first Wattpad removes pms and now come to find out that Quotev, another site I'm on is taking away messages on July 1. How is authors supposed to connect with readers if communication is cut short? I know you can still comment on their profile but it's not the same. I made friends through that feature. Now, seems like it's getting boring. Go figure.


@moonwalkergal they even took away on Wattpad the groups, well they was forums actually and activity feature. Use to I would find stories through everyone's activity feature on their profile now readers have to rely on reader's lists they have. 


@moonwalkergal yeah it sucks, they ruin it for everyone. I been on here and Quotev, off and on since 2011 talking to people through messages was fun when you connect with readers and friends. Now it's down to writing on walls, it's not the same. I miss it. 


I hate it so much….literally you can’t connect with anyone. 


Hey @belleskitchen when you going to update chapter 2 on beyond the badge I really love that story


I’m excited for chapter 3


@Taytaybeauty689 it'll be updated soon. Hopefully sometime this week. I'm not very sure at the moment because I have writer's block right now on that story and once I finish chapter 2, I'll let you know. Please be patient.