
Spanish??? Another type of Latin language?? Well, I don't know, but, uhm, I'll type this out in English.
          Uh, hey! Thanks for all the votes and comments on my story. They really mean a lot to me, and "spam" like yours, with votes and comments and your reaction to my one-shots encourage to try my hardest. So thank you!
          ^-^ ♡♡


@ Princess_Moon_Angel  I'm from Brazil, and I really loving your stories ( sorry but I'm not totally fluent in english, so sometimes I'll write everything wrong ;-;)


Ola alicia 
          Então se caso tiver tempo (e queira ) , d euma olhadinha na minha obra Arthur Cruz e os alquimistas , ficaria mt feliz se vc analizasse rapidinho a historia e me dissesse se gostou ou não , obg desde japs e espero te ver lá em breve