Hey guys Bellriver-kun here, long time no see. So first of all, I appologize for not updating my reaction book for so long, it's been 12 days since I last announced that I will rewrite it, I guess? But well on another side I just finished the Light novel volume 12, Sorry It takes me a lot of time finishing it because my schedule for reading it became so tight, well you know what's the reason, yeah your right so blame the school not me, yeah definitely not me. I thought that I only needed 3-5 days for finishing the 12 volumes of the Light novel but It seems that I'm really wrong lol, the last boss known as the "School" decide to send us students' lots of lessons and exams, sigh I'm beat up.
But well now that I finished reading it and it's also near Christmass so I have a lot of spare time for now, so today I'm going to start now writing the latest chapter so expect it to be released on December 19 or 20. Also thanks for the patience. Peace✌️