Umm ok so i re-read the first chapter so we should continue with the theme right nor else it wouldn't make much sense. So maybe this.
~Time skip~(nobody's pov right now)
Because i was already packed (if she isn't sorry) we were getting ready to leave but bendy had to wash off his face "hurry up we need to go before i scream" boris says with happiness "scream of what?" you say with confusion "in i don't know i met my biggest idol and he hugged me that's all "ok coming crazy mouse fan" bendy says until he gets pinned against the wall by cuphead "did ya miss me" he says "don't worry it'll quick and painless"cuphead says untill bendy kicks him where the sun don't shine and runs "you that's how you wanna play huh"
~y/n pov~ me and boris were still waiting for bendy, i was about to go check on him until mugman started chasing me and boris "BENDY" boris and i screamed we got by bendys side until..*BLAST* we all stared horrified as we saw mugman with a hole in him from the shot we heard a thump from cuphead falling to his knees. Cup head ran over to mug and said "m-mugs hang in there just let me take you to...hey HEY OPEN YOUR EYES OPEN THEM NOW!" cup yelled while nudging mug boris got closer and said "sir please let us help" cup started to laugh and said "Sid i say your deaths were gonna be quick and painless...MY BAD I MEANT IM GOING TO ENJOY TEARING YOU LIMB FROM LIMB"
This is what i have so far add on if you would like and change parts if you want.