
working on something for this year, can’t wait to let you guys know all about it!


everything will be sorted through ASAP! but i'm currently on break and teachers don't get the meaning of break and i have a ton of projects catching up to do plus i have my third term exams on the line once i come back to school! 
          ITS CRAZY


i was checking all my saved files of 'White Lips, Pale Face' but it all got screwed up when my laptop crashed and i had to let the local technician fix it all up :( 
          sadly, i have to write up chapters three to seven!
          non-stop writing here i go!


hey guys! i haven't opened wattpad or even gave it a glance until a few days ago and i left it all hanging which sucks, I know! but i'm back and i'm rewriting (i have been for a couple of days since i open up my account again)
          this time for sure, i'll be a lot more active.
          twenty - sixteen, A, you liar *awkward, guilty, laugh*
          lots of love, A


Hey loves! I'm sorry I haven't been active at ALL and I'm insanely sorry. I've been on hiatus because I had no single motivation to write but I tried really hard to get out of that mood. Now I'm back but sadly I lost all my files for my coming up book 'White Lips, Pale Face' and I have to write the entire thing again. 
          I know I left you guys hanging but I promise that I have plans ahead and hopefully everyone stays because I have so much ideas and thoughts I just want to share to guys!
          okay wow words ikr intense