
Hello Everyone! I just posted for the first time in a decade! My new work in progress: The Stars And The Sun! THE FIRST CHAPTER IS UP! Read it while it's still warm! The Benign Writer is back!!!


Cititorii mei romani! Patrula de noapte nu este singura carte in romana pe care o am!! 
          Mai am si Jurnalul unui sfaturitor la curtea regala si probabil Sunset of Sol va fi in romana... nu sunt sigura, dar am observat ca multi dintre voi sunteti lihniti dupa ceva isit din comun care e scris in romana si care nu e fanfitionm sau traducere... asadar va dau ceea ce vreti ;)


Hello~ It's me. I'm not out of the hiatus yet but I couldn't stay away from writing for too long and here I am, introducing you a new book: That Flower. It's not a love story, it's far from that. It's not inspirational either. It's adventure combined with fantasy and mystery and  whatever else you want :)) give it a try! Also, I posted some Valentine's Day chapters which I couldn't stay without writing them and... I wrote some more chapters for BBGYLB as I hope you wanted. Enjoy!!!!


I am truly sorry to announce I'll be on hiatus for a while... I have no idea how long. It seems life wants a bit more from me than I expected and I decided that in order to get everything in order I have to put on hold all of my books... Don't worry, I'll come back stronger and wiser ;) hopefully :P