Da happiest birthday to one of my favourite bitcxxes on the planet, yip, ya got it, it's..... *drumrolls* Anurima! aka @heartbreaksweather1D, a good bunny to me and a great person to everyone else (including him, *who shall not be named*- though that's a future thing). Also, I wish you coulda celebrated those cliche sweet sixteen thingies, I'd come and attack all the food there, pretty sure @jaggy_sippy would happily accompany me. Oof, my teacher's yelling at me so gotta go now, byee! Once again, hope you have a great birthday ahead and may all your drooling wishes come true one day. (I don't know why I thought this was a good idea but whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).
-Shrekwozzhere(an extra z for you)