Se ami la fantasia e vuoi scoprire una storia che non ti dia l'impressione di qualcosa di già letto, prova a dare un'occhiata al mio romanzo, IL CERCHIO DEI SOGNI. Si tratta di un fantasy che si discosta dai canoni convenzionali del genere.
@SlytherinForever certainly I will do :)) True, when is the film coming out , in 2017? Me too, i would love to read something of the marauders, I think it would be even really fun! I think we all need more HP in our lives !
@SlytherinForever You're super welcome :) I certainly will! I found some good fanfic but many times wasn't what I was searching for ! And they definitely could complete each other! But i ship anyway Scorpius and Rose, and still hoping that one day J.K Rowling will do a spin off on the second generation
I really enjoyed it, even if it was short (the length didn't matter at all)! And that was a great idea! Loved you're writing and the language was very Harry potterish ( it was fantastic) ! Just a question : do you ship Dramione? I really love them but some of people hates the ship others don't ! Thank you and have a good day !