
@Dramione_97 NEVER!!!!  I know! said hello to her cause im cool like that ;D ANd then complained about how Evil LAdy was treating me, Mrs Burt wasnt very happy with THAT :L
          	Ummm, Brinda said something like She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named leaving at the end of the term!!!


OH MY GODRIC!!!!!! Old voldy clone is leaving at the end of the term?!?! YAY!!!!!! im soooo happy now that im doing my happy dance :):):) hehehehe. Well i think that ms burt should come back and teach us; WE NEED HER INSTEAD OF OLD VOLDY MOLDY CLONE :):)!!!!!!!


@BethaanyAmelia HAHAAHAH!!!! LOL!!! well those snacks were delicious yummy yummy yummy i got sugar in my tummy and i feel like eating more!!!! YAY!!! .....okay im still hypo from tonight but..meh. Well u finally fanned me YAY!!! :):):):) hahahaha.....okay i have gotta go to bed. Cya @ skool 2morrow :)