
@british_forever Certainly darling <33


Sooo I'm currently writing like three stories. Bad idea. I'm never going to finish them if i'm doing multiple stories at once. But when I get ideas, I have to write them down, and if they're good (well good compared to my other ideas) i just get on a roll. So yeah. Hopefully I will be releasing (does that sound official to you? hehe) the first chapter of one of these stories soon. All three are fanfics. Sorry if you're not a fanfic fan, but it's the easiest, and probably the most fun, thing to do right now. Have a good life, my wonderful (and plentiful) followers! I'm sure you will hear from me soon...unless America gets bombed, and we have to build bomb shelters and we can't use the internet at all ever again. That would be sad. But I doubt that will happen. I'm going to leave now....


Yeah i have a ton of followers *sarcasm*, so this is a message to y'all...I'm currently "writing" a story. I say "writing" because it's not very good or well thought  out. But I don't think many people will really care too much...So yeah. Just thought I'd let you guys know what I'm up to. Just cuz I know you care so much.