
hey to anyone and everyone out there! if youv'e read my story: The Demon Within, then i would really appreciate it if you commented/voted.
          	forever and always,


Hey Would Yhu Mind Checking Out My Story?
          Vampire's Fate; Vampire's Child
          Has life ever thrown something at you without you knowing it? Then when you find it you don't know how to handle it. It seems as though your whole world has turned upside down. You seem to have to fight everything you ever believed in just to believe the thing even existed in the fake world you and everyone around you once knew. What if you were the only thing good in another persons life and you had to give them up? What if it went against everything that you once thought was the world? What if you were me?
             Last night, I don't know what time I came home; I don't remember coming home; in fact I don't remember anything. The last thing I remember is going to my friend Marie's house. It was her 17th birthday party. Lots of people came, I think. I remember sitting there talking to her. After that I cannot remember a thing. But im sure I didn't get drunk or take any drugs otherwise id be in hospital or something.  I guess I will have to ask Marie when I get into college. Hopefully she remembers because I cant remember a thing. I don't remember getting drunk or anything either. 


Hey. I know this is a lot to ask but could you take a peek at my stories - Predestined(12 chapters in total) and arms of refuge(Only got one chapter up at the moment and is a work in progress). Would greatly appreciate it. Any comments, votes would be appreciated also. I'll return the favor ofc if you just comment on mine I'll know you read it etc. Lemme know what you'd prefer me to read in return.
          Thanks in advance. 


Hey, I know the­­­­­­­­­­­­se are s­up­er­ a­nn­oy­in­g,­ a­­nd­­ I­­'m­­ not gonna beg
          But I have this story called
          'An Albino On A­­­­­­­­­­­­ Reality­ S­ho­w.­. ­Wh­at­ c­ould go wrong?'
          that I was hopi­­­­­­­­­­­­ng you c­ou­ld­ t­ak­e ­a ­lo­ok­­ a­­t ­­an­­d ­give­­ my ­­some feedback!
          Thanks, I know ­­­­­­­­­­­­these get annoying!