With a heavy heart, I am going to unpublish Stellar Spectrum Book Series. It's not an easy decision, but I guess I just have to because I am going to rewrite the whole thing. Maybe not the whole thing, but there will be changes.
I was a total rookie when I first started writing it. I admit there were wrong grammar, bulky paragraphs, over-describing things, and plots all over the place. I'm not saying I'm an expert now, but I think I know how to make it better-ish.
Moreover, I want to start it in a new draft rather than stick to the ones that I already have. Even though there were genuine people who had read the series, and I appreciate and grateful for you guys, yet there were people who just left imprints of disrespect.
I know those people shouldn't affect me, and I know it's normal, and there will be more of them even when I start in a new draft and in my other books, but I just want to begin knowing I did the right things this time with the book series.
Thank you for your understanding!
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