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Just finished proofreading all the chapters I’d finished for Remember Me and got cracking on chapter 28. It’s kinda difficult since last time I wrote on it was back in 2015 or 2016 and my writing style has since then evolved a little as well as my knowledge of English But I’m determined to finish it and will do my best to do so! Plus it gives me a reason to rewatch one of my favorite animes hehe But I’ll be working on Nightmare Material as well when I’m taking breaks from Remember Me so expect updates for that as well☺️ Fractured Memories however has been put on hold for a while. 


I know I keep saying that I'll put up new content here, but I keep having SO many ideas and I want to work on everything at the same time, but my brain is stuck in a loop of where I constantly want to either read or draw stuff. So yeah, writing is a suffering hobby... It doesn't exactly help with me starting a new job where I work only night shifts and (probably, idk yet) therefor won't be able to come up with something that makes sense grammar- or plot wise. Be patient with me please, I'll un-loop myself and figure something out. Eventually.


@BexBodn I love your book "Poems & More". You're very talented. I'll make sure to read your new books when you publish them. 


OKAY SO. I know I’ve been neglecting the stories I’ve posted on here and I don’t have any other excuse than that I’ve been very very busy. I studied abroad in Tokyo, Japan and have since I got back to Sweden been trying to recover from a disease (I’m still not fully recovered and might need surgery to remove a tumor otl), while at the same time trying to balance three jobs and a course at university... Quite hectic eh? Anyway, I have some ideas for new stories and I’m dying to get back to writing so I think now is a good time to slowly ease myself back into it by updating the stories I have up and perhaps post a ’lil teaser for the TWO new ones ;) Hint: one will be a fanfic about Melovin, and both of them will have quite the dark theme. 
          Oh, and I love discussing ideas with my followers so if you want to be a part of any of my stories, don’t hesitate to contact me :) 


My birthday is on the 25th next week and November (Nanowrimo!) is just around the corner which means I'm busy busy busy~ Excited though, because not only do I get to celebrate my birthday and eat delicious cake, I also get to start on my new novel once November starts. I participate in Nanowrimo pretty much every year and this year I've set a goal of writing 70 000 words in one month. It'll be the novel titled "Vapour" so hopefully I'll be able to give you guys the character introductions soon ;)


Hey! I know I've been inactive for a couple of weeks. I've just had some tough and stressful weeks at work + there is a lot of stuff going on in my private life as well. But I think I'm back on track now, at least temporary so expect an update (double perhaps?) from me tomorrow evening (gmt+1 timezone)! :)