
...guess whoooo'ss baaacckk ;)


Actually i want to ask that at the end of the story is  yoongi and y/n is going to fall in love and gonna have thier own lovely family or they gonna get heartbroken and seperate from eachother.... And if the 2nd thing is happening then please don't do will be really upsetting to read and a emotional story too. And i really appreciate the concept or the message ( rape one) you are trying to give through your story. I really loved your story. So please continue 


this message may be offensive
I appreciate the concern for the meticulous love story that has been created between Yoongi and the reader; I won't reveal anything from the ending, as it will ruin the fun- just... have an open mind. ;) I'm so glad you have been anticipating an update, that makes me want to create more for you all. I also, appreciate the compliment regarding the inclusion of **TW**(rape). I may have to adjust the writing a little throughout that aspect of the story, due to me being quite young when I began this story concept... I am doing all I can to show the very real side effects of the trauma inflicted upon individuals who have experienced **TW**(rape). Thank you for your comment @sans2947❤️. 


the AUDACITY my laptop has for crashing in the MIDST of writing this new chapter and then proceeding to update itself :))) this chapter might get delayed bc it's kinda long and I don't know when this computer will be done updating but for the mean time I will write on my phone, ILL UPDATE AS SOON AS I CAN !! 


Almost done, making final edits to the chapter XD Im SO. Excited for you guys to read this