Hi! This is a little weird, but how do you make your story covers? Cause they are A-maz-ing! And I'm writing a story right now and I need to make a cover
@BeyondEpicness Lool :P oh okayy :) lool feww! Just checking :P Naaa thats true :) lool well i didn't even notice the scotish and irish lool :L
Leannee <3
@leannee Thanks! And I knew they weren't really languages, I was just goofing off haha... no seriously i tend to be sarcastic without typing *sarcasm* at the end of every sentence :) I just like to fool people when i say I SPEAK FOUR DIFF LANGUAGES! AMERICAN- BRITISH - AUSTRALIAN- SCOTISH- IRISH
Heyy :)
Did you know that 'british' isn't a language? Lool just thought that I would tell you :P But knowing that many languages is amazing!
Leannee <3