
Hello, my beautiful creatures.
          	Since some new folks have arrived, I'm stopping by to clarify again:
          	The stories that appear unfinished on my profile are paused for now, by that I mean My Father's Journals and The Essence of Your Heart. 
          	I'm currently working on another book, which is Ropes and Lace, and I'm very close to publication. Finally. The reason it has taken me so long (aside from personal issues that have come up along the way, some health problems and author's blocks) is that the book will be illustrated.
          	It'll have a lot of illustrations that I'm doing myself, so... yes, the process has been quite complicated, yet also incredibly satisfying.
          	I'm heartily sorry for the inconvenience, I really wish I had my former ability to update several stories at once, but my brain isn't so young anymore. I hope to be back soon with new and better news. In the meantime, thank you very much for the support, for the nice messages you have sent me throughout this endless and emotional year, and I send you all many, many hugs.


Hello, my beautiful creatures.
          Since some new folks have arrived, I'm stopping by to clarify again:
          The stories that appear unfinished on my profile are paused for now, by that I mean My Father's Journals and The Essence of Your Heart. 
          I'm currently working on another book, which is Ropes and Lace, and I'm very close to publication. Finally. The reason it has taken me so long (aside from personal issues that have come up along the way, some health problems and author's blocks) is that the book will be illustrated.
          It'll have a lot of illustrations that I'm doing myself, so... yes, the process has been quite complicated, yet also incredibly satisfying.
          I'm heartily sorry for the inconvenience, I really wish I had my former ability to update several stories at once, but my brain isn't so young anymore. I hope to be back soon with new and better news. In the meantime, thank you very much for the support, for the nice messages you have sent me throughout this endless and emotional year, and I send you all many, many hugs.


Hola, mis hermosas criaturas.
          En vista de que han llegado nuevas personitas, me paso por aquí para aclarar de nuevo:
          Las historias que salen en emisión en mi perfil están pausadas por ahora, con eso me refiero a Los Diarios de Mi Padre y La Esencia de Tu Corazón. Estoy trabajando en otro libro actualmente, que es Sogas y Encajes, y ya me falta poco para su publicación. Finalmente. La razón por la que me he demorado tanto (aparte de los problemas personales que han surgido en el camino, algunos problemas de salud y bloqueos de autor) es que el libro será ilustrado. Tendrá muchas ilustraciones que estoy haciendo yo misma, entonces... sí, el proceso ha sido bastante complicado, aunque también increíblemente satisfactorio.
          Lamento de todo corazón los inconvenientes, de verdad me gustaría tener mi capacidad anterior para actualizar varias historias a la vez, pero mi cerebro ya no es tan joven.
          Espero volver pronto con nuevas y mejores noticias. Mientras tanto, muchas gracias por el apoyo, por los lindos mensajitos que me han enviado a lo largo de todo este interminable y emotivo año y les envío muchos abrazos a todos.


@ Ai_Nhara  De verdad muchas gracias, linda. Aprecio de todo corazón la comprensión y el apoyo. Muchos abrazos, <3


@BeyondLoveFiction  Se aprecia, pero no es necesario ni siquiera que te disculpes, Yoleth. Siempre eres tú y tu salud primero. Además, sé que el proceso creativo es duro y largo muchas veces. Muchas gracias por esforzarte y considerarnos tanto ♡


Hola, ms hermosas criaturas.
          Les aviso que la versión digital de la serie Corazón Mafioso estará disponible totalmente gratis en Amazon Kindle hasta el 08 de diciembre, ¡así que corran a reclamar una copia!