
I think I'll be returning to writing the series now, as bad as I think it is.


I'm sorry for the lack of chapter releases. I'm pathetic.
          I haven't been doing well mentally. Terrible excuse, I'm aware, but yeah.
          But, i'll just have to power through it, for your guy's sake.
          If I don't write, am I nothing.


Don't Worry @Beyonderq9 i believe you are still a great person and awesome friend so please don't put yourself down 


I don't know if I should even write this anymore.
          It's fun, in fact, it's my passion project... but it's not good. Compare it to anything else on this app or a good book. There's nothing interesting or deep about it, it's just some silly crossover.
          As someone who hopes to make a manga that is a masterpiece, this is such an embarrassment.
          I love writing it, as I've said, but with it being possibly one of the worst pieces of fiction on Earth, I don't know if it's okay to continue it.


No problem. Cause I always help a friend in need for now, 


Next chapter of MLP x MHA should be out next week or earlier than that. Sorry for not updating I just ain't been feeling this fic atm


Don't Worry @Beyonderq9 i forgive you so if you don't mind me asking i'm curious to know if you were accepting story requests and if so could you do my villain oc x crossover x my little pony friendship is magic fanfic story request if you don't mind me asking because i'm curious to know and i will be honored if you could do my story request 
            the brotherhood of chaos (which the members of the brotherhood of chaos are my super-villain oc dark shadow (xelyk) and striker from helluva boss and rahzar from tmnt 2012 cartoon series and negaduck (jim starling) from ducktales 2017 cartoon series and bowser koopa from the super mario bros 2023 animated movie series and death from puss in boots the last wish and the ultimate green goblin (norman osborn) of ultimate spider-man (miles morales)'s dimension from disney xd's ultimate spider-man 2010 cartoon series) when the team png vector of the brotherhood of chaos is done being made by Methos14 from deviantart on july 9th facing off against the mane 6 (twilight sparkle and rarity and applejack and fluttershy and rainbow dash) and spike the dragon and starlight glimmer from my little pony friendship is magic cartoon series) as the brotherhood of chaos is the eviler arch enemies and dark counterparts of the mane 6 and spike the dragon and starlight glimmer and the brotherhood of chaos are the deadly arch rivals of the legion of doom (chrysalis and tirek and cozy glow and king sombra and the storm king and catrina the enchantress from my little pony friendship is magic cartoon series) 


Jesus, this crossover fic is so famous now, and I have no idea why. It's so awfully written, but it's fun to write, I guess.
          Actually,I kinda do have an idea why. Well, it's combining two very well-known fandoms and has the 'romance' Wattpad folk like, I think?
          I think my problem with it just stems from the fact that it has no defining moral or message, making it a bit meaningless, in my opinion. I don't see if there's any, and I mean, ANY moral or message that truly justifies its existence.
          At the end of the day, it's just entertainment, but I think a story should be made with a message to teach people and help them. This story has none.
          I'll still keep writing since abandoning such would be a massive disservice to myself in my book, but I just can't help but think whenever I'm writing: "What is story teaching?"


@EmperorCrimsonJojo1 it's okay, I'll continue to write. I'm obligated to as a writer. 
            Thanks for the suggestion tho


Well @Beyonderq9 you could always rewrite it, that or let someone else take the story off your hands. That's just what I'm suggesting is all.


All the attention this fanfic gets is completely undeserved... how pitiful. 
          If the fic was actually good, then I wouldn't be so conflicted with it, but there's nothing good about it. It's trash. 
          I'll still write it, however.