I’m going to be going away for a while on a giant hiatus. I’m going to miss you all, and there’s a chance you might not see me again. I hope that I do see you again. Goodbye.
I’m going to be going away for a while on a giant hiatus. I’m going to miss you all, and there’s a chance you might not see me again. I hope that I do see you again. Goodbye.
@CooEploo@TheDemiEnbyPop@Fireafy58@kittes67 I’m thinking of making a book completely dedicated to us doing homemade incorrect quotes. Also, as a nickname call me Lol if you prefer. You guys calling me BFB would feel weird
I HAVE THE WORLD’S MOST WRINKLED BRAIN. ONE stands for ONE Never Existed. That’s why it revolves mainly around Backpack, and all of those connections between episode. HOW SMART AM I?!
AHE-HEM. I have a challenge to you guys! Use the link to the ship generator in the latest chapter of my crack book then right a one shot about it. AND IT CANT BE A NORMAL SHIP. Those are the rules. Now go make some cursed ships for us to live in fear of! Oh by the way, tell me when you’re done if you participate.
BFBLOL has been introduced to new object shows: The Daily Object Show, Object Towel Again, ONE, and Battle For Grandma. Achievement unlocked: Septashow