Anastasia's pov
I continue to walk around. It is honestly crazy how my idol used to walk these very streets. I walk down the road to the school he attended. I am honestly in shock that he stood here and was from here.
I make my way back to the house, I am about a block away and I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder
Stranger; hi excuse me...
A: yes?
S: you are so beautiful...
A: Thankyou..." I begin to walk away, this guy is just, let me paint a picture for you, he is like a foot taller than me, he is like 6'4 he is in a black hoodie. Keep in mind it is freaking AUGUST!
-He begins to follow me and starts yelling out things
S: don't walk away baby! I'll follow you!
I dash all the way back to the house, there is still a large crowd and I try to get lost in it. Sadly it didn't work. This creep found me. He starts on getting closer and closer to me, and I completely panic. I'm in shock I don't know what to do or what he'll do. The crowd must think I know him because they're still screaming for Michaels children.
As he is about to reach for my behind, I hear
"Hey don't you dare touch her!"
A strong male voice yells that through the crowd and makes his way through the crowd
I had no idea who said and thought it was just a security guard, but I sure as hell was glad.
I turn around and see who it is...
It's.... Omer Bhatti.