
Hey Everyone who likes my Book Saiki K. Oneshots. Please everyone leave a comment saying “ I was here” in the book. If you don’t mind I love to see people’s art so if you are willing to make any fan art for me go a head. And The top 10 will be featured in a future video. I will make the top 10 fan art if they like ok bye. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to 


Hey Everyone who likes my Book Saiki K. Oneshots. Please everyone leave a comment saying “ I was here” in the book. If you don’t mind I love to see people’s art so if you are willing to make any fan art for me go a head. And The top 10 will be featured in a future video. I will make the top 10 fan art if they like ok bye. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to