“Why do clothes never have enough pockets? There should always be lots of pockets... the more pockets the better!”
-Sophie Foster, Book 7 Flashback.
“Team Foster-Keefe will always be better.”
-Keefe Sencen, Book 4 Neverseen.
“Why else would you spend so much time helping Miss Fosters causes?”
“Uh... you’ve seen how cute she is, right?” Keefe asked.
-Errol Forkle and Keefe Sencen, book 7 Flashback.
“Ohhh, a lovers’ quarrel!” Ro clapped her hands. “Those are my favorite. Anyone have snacks? I feel like we should have snacks for this.”
“That’s not what this is,” Sophie told her. “We’re not...never mind.”
Ro grinned, flashing pointed teeth. “If you say so.”
“Fosters not ready to face her feelings,” Keefe stage-whispered.
“I’m ready to strangle you,” Sophie countered.
-Keefe Sencen, Romihlda (Keefe’s bodyguard), and Sophie Foster, Book 6 Nightfall
“Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.”
-Keefe Sencen, Book 5 Lodestar
Keefe’s smile looked determined as he stepped back and took Sophie’s hand. “I’m always with you, Foster. What ever you want, I’m in.”
-Keefe Sencen, Book 7 Flashback.