
this message may be offensive
After watching that shit called "After" online, I just realized that I've been spending my time watching a shit ;))) 
          	Why can't anybody do a film after "The last she"?!
          	I'm pretty sure that won't be a shitty movie!~


this message may be offensive
After watching that shit called "After" online, I just realized that I've been spending my time watching a shit ;))) 
          Why can't anybody do a film after "The last she"?!
          I'm pretty sure that won't be a shitty movie!~


Counting down for 2016!!~~ 
          Hm... another year passed... and I still don't know what I've done.....
          Happy new year everybody!!!~~~ <3 ^_^ I wish you that all your dreams come true, to be happy, healthy and to have lots of inspiration!!~~ Love you all!!~~~ <3
          La Mulți Ani~~~!!!  سنة سعيدة ~!! Щастлива Нова година!!~~ šťastný nový rok~~~! Gelukkig Nieuwjaar !!~~  Head uut aastat!!!~~ Manigong Bagong Taon!!~~ Bonne Année!!!~~~ Frohes Neues Jahr!!!~~ 	Καλή χρονιά!!!~~~ Boldog Új Évet!!~~~ Felice anno nuovo!!~   あけましておめでとうございます!!~~
          새해 복 많이 받으세요!!~~ <3  	新年快乐!!~~  Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!!~~  Feliz Ano Novo!!~~ 	С Новым Годом!!~~  Feliz Año Nuevo!!~~~  	สวัสดีปีใหม่!!~~ Mutlu yıllar!~ <3


Hey dragilor! Va multumesc mult pentru ca imi cititi  povestea pe care am inceput sa o public. La inceput nu eram sigura ca va avea succes sau priza la cititori, crezand ca firul povestii e putin idiot si aproape fantastic, dar am fost foarte surpinsa si recunoscatoare pentru aprecierile primite si pentru numarul de cititori. ^_^ Sper ca va voi putea desfata cu ceea ce scriu si in curand o sa mai public o lucrare, prima mea lucrare ca "scriitoare". Inca odata va multumesc prentru aprecieri si pentru ca imi cititi povestea! <3