
Heya there! i know i haven't posted or read anyone's stories or poems in a while, haven't had access to proper internet...:) gawsh, well i just finished posting chapter 5 of my book, Essence of Eternity, i know it probably isn't all that good, but i would really like your support in maybe reading and sharing your thoughts... xx until next time


Heya there! i know i haven't posted or read anyone's stories or poems in a while, haven't had access to proper internet...:) gawsh, well i just finished posting chapter 5 of my book, Essence of Eternity, i know it probably isn't all that good, but i would really like your support in maybe reading and sharing your thoughts... xx until next time


Ohkay guys, so I'm new to this whole wattpad experience, so I guess we'll see if I'm any good at it :p * thanks to all the guys(and girls) that commented, voted and read my pieces :) * if u haven't commented , but would like to speak your mind, I invite you to speak freely :) much love