Heyo, IDK if you’ll ever check this account here, but Jeanne here!! I really, really miss you :(( if you ever wanna catch up im ak3chiis on instagram!!

@satsuki-iranami not me returning to this two years later... i don't know if you'll ever see either of these replies, but i hope you've been well!! in case you do see this and still wanna say hi, i'm still on the same instagram account. <3 !!

@satsuki-iranami JEANNE!!!!! i miss you too, oh my god! i managed to find one of your old accounts (tomato-fairy) and commented on your profile there hoping we could reconnect one day i tried finding your instagram but that username wasn't working for some reason, so i'm rakuen.oasis if you see this!! i got locked out of bianca_is_boss so i just made a new account so i could still check the messages on this account. i'm so happy to see you again, jeanne!!