@FINNCAK3Z Its out of character cause both those guys are straight not gay or bi. Even if they were i wouldn't support it. I beileve in the Bible and the Bible teaches homosexually is a sin. i dont mind be friends with homosexuals in fact i would treat them the same way id treat all my friends. With nothing but respect and trust but im not going to violate my principles for anyone not even my friends
Everyone. Awesome news. Amy Rose is gonna be in Sonic movie 4. As seen here in the post credit seen of 3. Hooray the Sonic quartet is finally complete. Now all they have to do is have SonAmy officially together in 4 and ill be the happiest man alive
The newest addition to my collection. It also has shadamy in it and it has a squeal that focuses on shadamy, so for those who dont already know i just wanna say right off the bat i hate shadamy with a passion. But for those who are shadamy fans and since its a squeal to this story ill make one exception