
It’s meeee. Was thinking about reuploading my old stories for people to enjoy. But tbh I don’t really ship anyone in bbs or really watch them anymore. Plus with the recent falling out and other scandals the members have been through. I dunno, maybe I’ll go a different route and upload different characters


It’s meeee. Was thinking about reuploading my old stories for people to enjoy. But tbh I don’t really ship anyone in bbs or really watch them anymore. Plus with the recent falling out and other scandals the members have been through. I dunno, maybe I’ll go a different route and upload different characters


I remember the days when I use to write stories on here and enjoy it. And enjoy ppl liking what I wrote and enjoy going back and reading my stories. Now days I have story ideas, but I get so busy. And Wattpad really kilt me when they deleted my old acc. Lol


That must've sucked, lol


So you know me. When it comes to making fanfics I usually read other fanfics and I feel like all of them are missing something that I want. And then I end up making my own fanfic for my own pleasure and I publish it to go back and read later on. Lately when I had been shipping H2OVanoss I just stopped reading stories about them and felt no passion. But with Jikook I’ve been reading and I know exactly what I want in a Jikook story. I’m so excited about writing again :D


For all of the people who use to read my H2OVanoss stories I’m going in a different direction now. I’m going to write and upload a Jikook story. And see if I like it


Just looked up Jikook and was like, OML. o.o


If you do create a jikook story is there going to be a bottom jimin


I may say I’m over the ban and Wattpad deleting my account, but I’m really not. I had just put so much work into the stories and was planning to keep them up for so long. I was proud of those works. Even the ones that were based off of Vampire Knight. I enjoyed going back to read my stories. I really want to continue writing, but it’s just so hard. It’s like all of my inspiration is gone.


I know you've changed accounts and all, but what happened to all of your amazing other works on your old account? I hope they aren't all gone for good, because I really enjoyed reading your books.


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@XIXPACKMENXIX honestly man, I'm so sorry that's fucking bullshit


@XIXPACKMENXIX  Yeah. So my account is gone along with my stories. Wattpad didn’t even give me a warning. I emailed them, but they haven’t messaged me back.


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@-I_Ship_It- oh that is fucking bullshit!