
this message may be offensive
I told my friend that the next chapter of Artorius' tale will be a chapter where Eizen VS Artorius will finally happen. And what was there reaction? Qoute!
          	"FUCK YES! FUCKING FINALLY! ARTORIUS GONNA OPEN A BIG ASS CAN OF WHOOP ASS! I'm gonna be reading that chapter with a giant foam finger and just say "Go Artorius! Go! Go! Go Artorius! Go! Go!" And be fucking happy to watch Eizen finally get what he deserves!"
          	But my question is...will Artorius actually be able to win?


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I told my friend that the next chapter of Artorius' tale will be a chapter where Eizen VS Artorius will finally happen. And what was there reaction? Qoute!
          "FUCK YES! FUCKING FINALLY! ARTORIUS GONNA OPEN A BIG ASS CAN OF WHOOP ASS! I'm gonna be reading that chapter with a giant foam finger and just say "Go Artorius! Go! Go! Go Artorius! Go! Go!" And be fucking happy to watch Eizen finally get what he deserves!"
          But my question is...will Artorius actually be able to win?


I tend to forget to keep you all updated. 
          So here is one..
          It's very much against my own wish that i am forced to say this. I am gonna take a prolonged break from writing. If i do write anything here, it will be to update "Within me" and finish that. But otherwise, i will take a prolonged break from writing, why? Because i feel unwell.
          So for now, take care, stay safe and find something that brings you joy or someone who does. And hold on.
          Before you know it, you are replaced.


People: Hey P what are you writing there?
          Me: *Continues to write*
          People: Can you say something about it?
          Me: Yes. It's "Within me"


@ babi_bUni  No.


@BigP21 Say something else. That's not enough 


A very short Update and this is mainly because i thought since it's fully worked on and something i am proud of (for once), i would share it with you. Mainly to tease it's publishment.
          So! The next poetry collection, which i am not done with, far from it actually. I have finally decided on a name for it, and this name, though not unique is extremely fitting. And i therefor, i would like to tease the next poetry collection and make you anticipate it more. By revealing it's title.
          And the title is simply and dare i say beautifully:
          My Symphony. 
          That's it, My Symphony is the title of the collection and i hope you'll truly appreciate it, when it comes out.
          I can proudly say, that one of the poems in that collection, is in my opinion. The most beautiful thing I personally have written and i hope you enjoy it, when it sees the light of day.
          Until then.
          See yah Around.


@BigP21 I dig the name. 


So it seems that my poetry collections are doing well, no matter how long or short they are, and i greatly appreciate that so i kinda wanted to take this time to talk about my plans for the future.
          1: Artorius' story will be continued, until i'm done with it, and i hope you'll continue to like it? I guess. Uhh i have a few projects i wanna do afterwards, but that's a bridge we'll cross as we get closer to it.
          2: As you can see, i have done quite a few poetry collections, and so far, they have mainly been no effort collections. The latest one, Identity, took me a few minutes one evening while bored. But i am actually happy and excited to say, that i have been challenged by some friends, to make a new poetry collection, but i am actually forced this time to spend more time on it. Which i am very about.
          3: So while i can not promise, the project will be finished any time soon, i will therefor not spoil the title yet, since it might change. But as i have considered as of late, i might slowly post a few collections, through the year? And then when i'm done with Artorius's story, start with a new story, which i'll fully finish before even posting chapter 1 of it.
          While these things are listed as points, it's actually mainly just ideas and "Maybe's" for one of them. Only thing certain is Artorius' story, which i hope to finish within this year ends, we'll see what happens. Again Quality over quantity.
          But yeah.
          See yah around.


@BigP21 YESSS another poetry collectionnnn!! 


So since i have been quite for awhile, i wanna kinda share a few updates, i have one small thing and one really big thing.
          1: I'll soon be posting a new chapter in my story, and i hope to really give off, a proper mood and atmosphere setting. Along with a proper emotional connection in some shape or form. So That's cool i guess?
          2: While i can not give specifics since, i wish to keep it a secret, i can give a title of a new project i'm working on. So i hope you'll be excited to read a new book, where everything in it, will be posted at once, no updates whatsoever just one large book and done. And it's called "What was left unsaid" I hope you are as excited as i am. Because it's something quite personal.
          But yeah That's my update.
          Say what you want. See yah


So a short update.
          First let's start with something good, thanks for the support on my poetry collection. It was an amazing project, and i'm so glad, i did it. So yeah thank you for that.
          Two i am kinda experiencing some writers blockade right now. And i will therefor, take a break from writing (Yes been going on for awhile) but i'll continue Artorius' adventure. As soon as i can, i just priotize quality over quantity.
          But otherwise, i'll try my best to disperse this writers block and continue on my story asap. So yeah, see yah around.