*comes out of my hole*
... Hey guys, I've been busy
But, you can now find me on Twitch.com @ggkay28, woo.
Also, I'm going to try and finish and start some rps, so if I owe you a response, yell at me in DMs. If you want to start a new RP, hit me up in DMs. Love you guys
So! I'm back for a bit!
I've decided to take down quite a few stories as you can see, and I'm going to be working on revamping them to where I feel they tell their story a bit better. The first story I will be reworking is my horror novel, which is also going to be retitled "Darkness Wanders," so please make sure to check out for that!
Shirt stories such as my Marvel short stories will begin to be published again soon.
Sorry for the inconveniences, hopefully I'll actually make an upload schedule soon XD
XD y'all, got home a few minutes ago, around 11:50 something, it was April 24th, prom day. Now it's 12:06 and April 25th, my birthday. XD yeah for time ig.